
shortly before James and I met the LORD met with him in a time of prayer.

‘your bride is on her way’ He spoke. James heard it and believed. equipped with a promise he went forth in faith. purchasing a home far too big for him alone, he prepared. holding the key the first day, he hoped.

we would speak that evening. for the first time.

faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. Hebrews 11:1.

later James would cross a country and season of destiny to bring me to where he was. home.

you are that lifelong promise to One. anticipated by Heaven. awaited in eternity. the counterpart Bride. a Queen. heiress of God’s Kingdom? a plan sealed.

in Blood.

and if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. John 14:3


bride wedding groom house home prepared mansion






the veil over humanJesus Bride of Christity far from lifted with the single greatest act of love in history:

it tore.

rather than face eternity without the heart of His Bride, The LORD Bridegroom cried ‘It is finished.’ I can’t be without Her anymore!

she is My Delight. I am Hers.

I want far more than She know this. I want Her heart alive in displaying it.


enter through the narrow gate. Matthew 7:13. enter behind the veil. a purpose surpassing life. a love beyond measure. a freedom in One Who’s ravished in your affection.

in-to-me-you-see. intimacy.

hidden secrets and mysteries are promises for you. seek and you will find. Jeremiah 33:3

draw in Beloved. into arms wide open. have you yet not heard His plan always included you?




Calledwhere were you when you felt that tug on your heart and heard something or someone speak piercingly though quieter than the faintest breath: ‘there’s more!’?

if so, where is it? the more precise question in the wake of ‘that voice’ is ‘who is it?’.

your wildest and most abundant life begins the instant your response forms an embrace. An embrace of ‘The Whole’.

as a young political refugee from Warsaw, Poland, i knew nothing about life growing up. only this: it’s hard. emotionally tormented by expectation and fiercely insecure, i was a perplexed child few could reach. i found my identity in others, whoever i could be like. all the while, i hid. sad and broken at the constant pain of fear and failure, i couldn’t explain my actions. i was lost and hurt, searching and longing. living a nagging unknown: ‘what’s the purpose?’.

by amazing acts of grace unaware to me, i was not alone. brilliantly in these sufferings my heart grew faint, and soft. sensitive to ‘the more’ that kept stirring and calling.

from where was it coming? who was it that had such a vested interest in my pain? could there be One Who felt what I did? how amazing a thought to think i truly was not alone.

26 years into my life, i heard the 3 words that would forever change my life:

‘you need Jesus.’

the questions and longing, the deep agony, the weariness, the pain. the hope for ‘the more’, the end to dead ends, the silence of storms; the voice, the answer, my life’s purpose…
